Electricity Tariff In Pakistan | Its Kinds & Categories.

Understanding the Electricity Tariff:

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (NEPRA) which is established under section 3 of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997, determines electricity tariff, rates, charges and other terms and conditions for supply of electric power services by the generation, transmission and distribution companies, and recommend to the Federal Government for notification under section 31 of the Act. The column of tariff is provided right after the name and address of the consumer on his bill which is shown in diagram below.

With respect to electricity tariff in Pakistan, the consumers are divided into various categories. There are many purposes behind making these categories e.g. the unit rates are charged differently on the basis of their tariff; the fixed charges are based on the kind of tariff along with sanctioned load etc.

An electricity tariff usually consists of a pattern like A-1b(03)T. Its starting word i.e. A,B,C shows the main category of the consumer. For example, if the connection is a domestic/ residential it starts with ‘A’, if it is Industrial then it starts with ‘B’. After first letter, the numbers 1, 2 and small alphabets shows sub- category of the connection e.g. ‘1b’ shows  that it is a three phase connection. Alphabet ‘T’ in its end shows that it is TOU billing. A “time of use” (TOU) is a billing structure in which different rates are charged for peak hours and off peak hours. In single phase, there is no division of peak and off peak units.

Electricity Tariff

Categories of Electricity Tariff In Pakistan:

    Following are its various categories:-

  1. General Supply – Residential -A-1
  2. General Supply – Commercial – A-2
  3. General Services – A-3
  4. Industrial – B
  5. Single point – C
  6. Agriculture -D
  7. Temporary Supply -E
  8. Seasonal Industrial supply- F
  9. Public Lighting -G
  10. Residential colonies attached to industrial premises -H
  11. Railway Traction -I
  12. Special Contracts under NEPRA (Supply of Power) -J

1. Electricity Tariff Residential A-1

In Pakistan, there are different charges of electricity units for residential users which are charged in accordance with the sanctioned load. These are of following two kinds:

  1. Residential consumer with less than 5KW load A-1a
  2. Residential consumer with load above 5KW A-1b

Residential connection with less than 5 load A-1a

For domestic users having sanctioned load less then 5 kilowatt-hour, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge of Rs. 75/- per customer even if no energy is consumed, which is called as fixed charges. Beside fixed charges, for charging basic rates of consumed units, there are further categories i.e., lifeline, protected, and un-protected consumer category for charging tariff for consumed units.

Lifeline Consumer

Those non-TOU users who have a single phase electricity connection with sanctioned load of 1 Kilowatt-hour, who have consumed less than 100 units a month for 12 consecutive months, are lifeline consumers.

Status Lifeline electricity bill

Protected Consumer

Those non-TOU users who have a single phase electricity connection, and consumed less than 200 units a month for 06 consecutive months are protected consumers. It is pertinent to mention here that the streak of ‘protected’ is broken even if the consumption goes beyond line of 200 units in a single month. After that he shall be considered a non-protected consumer. The category of protected and non-protected is made to give some relief to the protected customers. They are provided the benefit of one previous slab in their billing (i.e. their billing is done in two slabs).

Status protected electricity bill

Un-protected Consumer

Non-TOU users who are neither lifeline nor protected, fall in the unprotected category who consume units more than 200 a month and are charged on one slab in which their units fall.

Electricity bill with less than 5 load A-1a

Residential consumer with sanctioned load above 5 KWH A-1b

Residential user having sanctioned load of 5 or higher have TOU meters i.e. Time of Use meters, which are also termed as variable rate meters, shall be charged with minimum monthly customer charge Rs. 150/- per customer/ per month even if no energy is consumed, which is called as fixed charges. Besides fixed charges, consumption of units on these meters are charged separately for the off-peak hours and peak hours.

Electricity bill with load above 5 KWH A-1b

Peak hours are charged with higher tariff than off peak hours. For LESCO users, the peak hours are:

peak / off peak hours

2. General Supply Electricity Tariff-Commercial A-2

      In Pakistan, general supply commercial connection is further divided in following categories.

  1. Commercial A-2a(04) – Below 5 Kilowatt
  2. Commercial A-2b(05))- (Non-TOD)
  3. Commercial A-2c(06)T- Above 5 Kilowatt (T= TOD)
Electricity bill tariff A-2a
Electricity bill tariff A-2c

For the single phase connection with sanctioned load less then 5 Kilowatt-hour, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge Rs. 175/- per customer/per month, even if no energy is consumed, which are called as fixed charges. However, for consumers having load above 5 kilo watt hour, the fixed charges are Rs. 350/- per user per month. For A-2b and A-2c category, there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 400 per month.

3. Electricity Tariff General Services A-3

      There are following two kinds of General Services connection:

  1. General Services A-3a -single phase 
  2. General Services A-3b -three phase
Electricity bill General Services A-3

For the single phase connection with sanctioned load less then 5kw i.e. A-3(a), there shall be minimum monthly customer charge Rs. 175/- per customer/per month even if no energy is consumed, which are called as fixed charges. However, for users having load above 5KW i.e. A-3(b), the fixed charges are Rs. 350/- per consumer per month.

4. Industrial Tariff – B

    It is further categorized into following six categories:

  1. Industrial B-1 – Up To 25 kW (at 400/230 Volts)
  2. Industrial B-la(07) – Below 5KW
  3. Industrial B-lb(09)T -5 to 25KW
  4. Industrial B2a(10) without TOD/TOU Meter -Exceeding 25-500 kilowatt (at 400 Volts)
  5. Industrial B2b(12)T (T=TOU) Exceeding 25-500 kilowatt (at 400 Volts)
  6. Industrial B3(14)T – (T=TOD) For All Loads up to 5000 kilo watt (at 11,33 kV)
  7. Industrial B4(17)T For All Loads (at 66,132 kV & above)
Bill  B-1
 Bill B-2
 Bill B-3
 Bill  B-4

For B1 connection, there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 350 per month. For B2 connection, there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 2,000 per month. For B3 connection, there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 50,000 per month. For B4 connection, there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 500,000 per month.

5. Single point Supply Tariff – C

    Following are the kinds of Single point / bulk supply:

  1. C-1a Sanctioned load less than 5 kW
  2. C-1b Sanctioned load above 5 & up to 500 kW
  3. C-1c For supply at 400/230 Volts above 5 & up to 500 kilowatt
  4. C-2a(28). At 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kilowatt
  5. C-2b(29). At 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kilo watt
  6. C-3a. At 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW
  7. C-3b. At 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW
Bill  C-1c
Bill  C-2a
 Bill C-2b

For C-1b and C-1c category, there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 400 per month. For C-2a and C-2b category, there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 380 per month. For C-3a and C-3b category, there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 360 per month. 

6. Agricultural – D

    It is divided in following four categories.

  1. Agricultural D-1a SCARP less than 5 kW
  2. Agricultural D-1b(50) SCARP 5 kW & above 
  3. Agricultural D-2a Agricultural Tube Wells
  4. Agricultural D-2b Agricultural 5 kW & above
tariff D-1b
tariff D-2b

Under this type of electricity connection, there shall be minimum monthly charges Rs. 2000/- per consumer per month, even if no energy is consumed.

Note: The consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW can opt for TOU metering.

7. Temporary Supply – E

     It is further divided in three categories.

  1. Temporary Residential Supply E-1(i)
  2. Temporary Commercial Supply E-1(ii)
  3. Temporary Industrial Supply E-2
Electricity Bill tariff E-1i
Electricity Bill tariff E-1ii

Note : For the categories of E-1(i & ii) above, the minimum bill of the consumers shall be Rs. 50/- per day subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- for the entire period of supply, even if no energy is consumed.

8. Seasonal Industrial supply -F

It is 125% of relevant Industrial Tarif

Note: Consumers of this category will have the option to convert to regular tariff and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time of a new connection or at the beginning of the season. Once exercised, the option remains in force for at least one year.

9. Public Lighting Tariff -G

Street Light G-1(72)

Electricity Bill tariff G-1

Under this category, there shall be a minimum monthly charge of Rs. 500/- per month per kW of lamp capacity installed.

10. Residential colonies attached to industrial premises -H

Latest rates of residential colonies attached to industrial premises can be checked from lesco website.

11. Railway Traction -I

For latest rates of railway traction electricity check this.

12. Special Contracts under NEPRA (Supply of Power) -J

 These are divided in further 10 categories

  1. Special Contracts J-1
  2. Special Contracts J-1b
  3. Special Contracts J-2a
  4. Special Contracts J-2b
  5. Special Contracts J-2c
  6. Special Contracts J-2d
  7. Special Contracts J-3a
  8. Special Contracts J-3b
  9. Special Contracts J-3c
  10. Special Contracts J-3d

For J-1, J-1b, J-2b, J-3b, J-2d, J-3d customers, there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 360 per month. For J-2a, J-2c, J-3a and J-3c, there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 380 per month. 


1. Neelum Jhelum Surcharge at rate of Rs. 0.10 per KWh on all users except lifeline domestic users of the category ‘Residential-A’ for Electricity Sold.

2:- Financial Cost Surcharge at the rate of Rs. 0.43 per KWH applicable to all the categories of Consumers except lifeline domestic users of the Category ‘Residential-A’ for Electricity sold.

Latest rates of all electricity tariff.